Ok so the apartment that i live in with my friend and her mom is pretty crowded as it is. we have 3 girls, 2 dogs, a cat, and a rat. so now my friends mom has decided that our neighbors will be staying with us for a fer days. so we will have 3 more people in here. one of those people doesnt like me at all because we had a confertation where i called her a bitch for getting rid of someones cat and not trying to find the owner and also because she called me a slut for pictures i have on facebook. she doesnt know me and judges me as if she does, in my opinion that makes someone a bitch. so she will be staying here and im not sure how i will be able to deal with that. i just hope she doesnt say anything to me because i dont know if i will be able to keep my mouth shut.
if that isnt enough we also have my friends uncle staying here for 2 weeks until he feels better. because he broke 3 ribs in a car crash. so he will be staying here. and he is not the best person to have around. he makes a huge mess and cant be trusted.
it was not fun last night trying to sleep because me, my friend, and her boyfriend slept in a full sized bed. plus we had the 2 big dogs trying to get into the bed with us. it was very crowded and squished. i did not like it at all. plus my friends boyfriend has to sleep with a fan on and i cant sleep that way so i was awake most of the night. it sucked!!!
so yea that is my situation right now and i am not liking it at all!! im not sure how long this is going to go on but i dont know if i will be able to deal with it for very long. i need my sleep. if i dont get enough sleep i feel way to droggy and unhappy. it puts me in a very bad mood all day and it sucks. i may end up going to my grandmas house for 2night so i can get some sleep and relax a little bit. im not sure though.
well enjoy your sleep my dears,
XoXo BabyyGurl!!!