Lil Boss at only 4 weeks!!! |
but he very quickly became a member of our family. at the time we got him my sister and i were homeless. wandering the streets by day and sleeping where ever we found it safe by night. we had 4 dogs. Boss the new puppy. Romeo my pitbul- Great dane cross. Tora my sisters Whippet- plot hound mix. and Journee my Black lab - catahula leopard dog mix. it was a lot of dogs but we managed to make it work. alot of people asked how we fed them. it was simple, the dogs ate before we did. and there are alot of places that help the homeless and their pets in our town. we figured that out really quickly.
so after about three weeks after we got this puppy i went to the bay area and left my sister in redding. (big mistake). she ended up staying with her boyfriend (the 19 year old creep). well during this time Boss got parvo. he wasnt doing to well for a while but pulled through!!! my sister would not leave his side for the week that he was sick. she force fed him and took care of him.
then on October 8th 2011 my sister and her boyfriend were arrested. he was taken to jail and given a book and realese. my sister was locked up for almost 2 months. during this time my sisters boyfriend had the dog. i asked for him back many times but he refused. i thought about taking him to court to get my dog back but i really had no way to prove he was mine. so i had to fight with him for 2 months and had no luck. then when my sister got out we fought with him for another month. but still had no luck getting our lil dawgy back.
then on December 29th 2011 my sisters now ex boyfriend was once again arrested because he violated the terms of his bail and missed a court date. so he was put into jail. my sister and i freaked out wondering where our little boss might be. the pound? on the streets? dead? we really didnt know. so my mom was goingto take us to Haven Humane to see if he was there. but changed her mind because she is very bipolar.
this made my sister have a panic attack. so i called my grandma and asked her if she could take me to the pound to see if he was there but she said no. so i tryed calling the pound and asking if he was there. but the lady told me there were multiple Red-Nose Pitbulls and i would have to go there to find him.
this made me very frusterated. so i called the police department and asked to speak with the arresting officer of Brandon (my sister boyfriend) but he was not in the office. so i asked the lady i was speaking to if it said anything about the dog in the police report. it did not. but she was able to give me the address of where he was arrested and said i could try there.
this is Boss at 6 months. yes he is ALOT bigger |
so on my walk back home i called my sister and told her the war was over. we won and got Boss back!!! she was so excited she started screaming. when i got him to the house my sister and the dog were jumping all over each other and were both very happy. my little sister finally had the spark back in her eyes and i could tell she was happy!
we were so glad to have him back. but then......
Got Lil Boss back AGAIN!!!!!
XoXo BabyyGurl!!!
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