ok so the summer of 2010 me and my friend harmony walked by this fence every day and there was a big pitbull mix dog that would jump up at the funce and growl. and we were terrified of this dog. so we started to cross the street before we got to this fence and walk by on the other side so he wouldnt scare us.
then one day we relized this dog was gone!
Steve a guy that is at the dog park alot with his little weiner dog/ pitbull mix Lucky had a new big brindle dog named Romeo. he was going to keep him but his dog Lucky had jealously issues so he had to find Romeo a new home. at this time i was Homeless with my little sister wondering the streets and wanted a big mean looking dog for pertection. i had wanted to get a wolf/husky/ pit mix but the lady never showed up at the dog park like we had planned, so i decided to get Romeo. he was a big Pitbull/ Great Dane mix and fit the part of the big mean looking dog i wanted. so i took him.
then one day while me and my friend harmony were walking or dogs by that fence where the big mean dog used to be it hit us:
this dog i was walking on a leash was that dog!!!! and he wasnt mean at all. and he wasnt growling at us. we now know that when he gets bored he makes a noise alot like a growl but its his way of saying "hey im bored, pay attention to me!!"
this dog went everywhere with me. we ran around the streets of redding for weeks together. then one day when me and my boyfriend were staying with his uncle he let Romeo and the other dog Thor outside and Thor came back but not Romeo. i was really sad. so my boyfriend went looking for my "big dumb dog" (as he called him) but he loved him. and came back home empty handed.
later that day the cops showed up to the house looking for us because we were on the run and i was forced to go back home with my mom. and leave my poor doggy on the streets to defend for himself. i made signs and put them up and posted an add on craigslist but still found nothing. i started to loose hope thinking someone found him and decided to keep him.
Romeo doing what we call "Aligatoring!" |
this dog became my bestfriend very quickly. he was my ride err die!!! i wasnt going to give him up for anything. he was so well behaved. did everything i told him to and learned new tricks really quickly. so when him and my moms boxer dog Buddy began fighting after 3 months of knowing each other and my mom tryed to make me get ride of him i once again ran away taking my dog with me. i went to my grandmas, but her and my grandpa didnt want a big dog at the house. so i didnt think i was going to be able to stay there very long and would have to go on to somewhere else. but Romeo with his awesomeness and Swag stole the hearts of my grandparents and was welcomed into the home.
he has done this with many people in the time that i have had him. he is aloud into many homes where dogs are not aloud because hes just that good of a dog. everyone loves him.
Romeo with baby Kudder and Layla!!! |
then during the summer of 2011 i went to the Bay area with a girl i had just met. and left Romeo along with my boyfriends little puppy at a guys house i didnt know but the girl said they would be fine. well about 2 weeks after i left i recieved a call from a guy saying he had found my dog. so the girl called her friend and told him to go get Romeo. supposibly he did. but the next day i had recieved another call from a lady saying she had found my dog in the same area and he had a tag that said FREE!! well i freaked out! there was no way my dog was free. so i made the girl take me back to Redding to get my dog. i was pissed.
when i got him back i was very scared because he was alot skinnier then he was when i left him and had a lot of cuts. the first thing going threw my head was that he was being used for fighting, but he had no cuts on his ears of face. so i now think they were from the mass amounts of black berry vines in the area he was in. another thing that was worrying me was how he was walking. he was stumbling like he was drunk. and wouldnt walk for to long before laying down. so i called my grandma to see how much i had in the bank just incase he needed to go to the vet. but i didnt take him. after getting some water and some rest he was ok. and came around to his old self again.
at this point i was so happy to have him back and wasnt going to lose him again. i dont trust anyone but my grandparents, sister, and bestfriend harmony to watch him. other then that my dog is left with no one!!! i have really bad trust issues when it comes to him, but can you blame me? hes my bestfriend, we have been through alot together.
he was very tramatized by this expirence as well. every time i leave him for even just a little bit he gets scared and doesnt think i am coming back. he gets really sad. but i dont leave him too often.
ok so the other day i went on my myspace account to look at the pictures i had on there. i was looking at the ones of all the animals from haven humane that i took when i worked there and posted hoping people would see them and go adopt them. so here i was just lookin at them. awe cute kitty, doggie, puppy, another kitty.... OMG ITS ROMEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes there infrount of me was a picture of my Romeo at 5-6 months. and i had found out one day when i was at haven humane that he had been adopted out form there while i worked there. it was crazy!!! at first i questioned it. thinking: "no it cant be him" but the after 3 days of looking at this picture i realized it was. the white on this puppys chest matches my Romeos. and he has his same little floppy ears. its definitly my dog!!!! crazy!!!
who would have know that i would have ended up with one of the puppies at the pound i wanted 2 years later!!!
this is one of those crazy pound puppy stories that is priceless!!!
well truth is this dog is priceless!!!
Me and Romeo Squirrel hunting!!! |
this dog is the sweetest, most lovable dog ever!!! he is so gentle and wouldnt hurt a fly! he fallows me eveywhere! even if its just across the room.
His favorite thing in the Whole world (besides me) is SQUIRELLS!!!! if you say this word he gets so happy and excited. i even got him a stuffed squirrel toy and he loves it. i really dont know what it about those little fuzzy cretures but he loves them!!!
everyone loves Romeo. hes just that cool. hes got Swag haha. no joke!!! Best dog in the world!!! he is living proff that pound puppys are just as great if not better then your pure bred dogs!!! yea its true!!!
XoXo BabyyGurl!!!
Hey romeo is really a smart dog and seeing your love for romeo reminds me of my rocky, he was my best friend, even he was a pitbull, i loved him very much....